News and Public Notices

The latest from across Bougainville

Bougainville Bulletin e-copy

Hello Readers,

Welcome to Edition 11 of the Bougainville Bulletin.

Since the last edition, there have been some encouraging and very positive developments happening within the government and our communities.

These developments include establishing progress in growing Bougainville’s economy, Community Government as well as preparing for referendum in Bougainville.

The Community Government stories will give you a preview of their plans as the second level tier of government in Bougainville, and also a brief on the upcoming Urban Community Government elections.

Bougainville continues to move forward in its referendum preparations despite the many challenges faced by our government. These issues are further explained in the Referendum Update on pages 6-7. We also bring to you an update on major reconciliations and declarations made by two constituencies in Bougainville. This demonstrates their readiness to actively and freely take part in the referendum by Bougainvilleans across our region.

An update from the Department of Technical Services on pages 10 -11, gives you the latest information on major infrastructure developments happening throughout the region- the most recent of which was the completion of the upgrade and sealing of the Buin Town Roads. If you have access to the internet, please visit the ABG website for the latest news on development, government, referendum and more.

We trust that this edition will be informative for our read.

The Bougainville Bulletin team

Download a copy here by clicking on the link The Bougainville Bulletin Edition 11 2017

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