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Revenue raising powers to be transferred to Bougainville

The National Government announced this week that it will transfer all revenue raising powers to the Autonomous Bougainville Government.

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape, made this announcement in his address to the Bougainville House of Representatives on Wednesday.

“My new generation of leaders, those who helped me change government want to transfer resources to our people in provinces and you here in the special region of Bougainville,” Marape said.

“In the case of Bougainville, our National Government will transfer full revenue raising powers to the regional government and we will assist monitor your collections in fisheries, forestry, agriculture and other industries that you Bougainvilleans may choose to undertake.”

ABG President Hon. Chief Dr John Momis welcomed this announcement and described the relationship between the Bougainville and PNG governments as ‘taking on a new dimension’.

“It is encouraging to hear that the Prime Minister is not only committed to work with the ABG, but is already showing signs that he’s prepared to take some concrete measures to enable the people of Bougainville to get their teeth into something, economic development,” Momis said.

The transfer of revenue raising powers to the ABG will go a long way to enable the autonomous government to create its own revenue in a self-sustaining manner and can prioritize development programs according to unique Bougainville needs. 

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