News and Public Notices

The latest from across Bougainville

Weapons disposal on target

According to the Acting Secretary for Department of Peace Agreement Implementation (DPAI) Dennis Kuiai, weapons disposal is progressing well and on target.

Mr Kuiai said that the target date for weapons disposal around the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ARoB) was December 31st 2018 and in just two months away, constituencies around the three regions (North, South and Central) have at least carried out reconciliations around weapons disposal to declare a referendum ready area.

He said that all the former combatants including the Mekamui group have committed to dispose the weapons. They have made it a moral obligation to remove weapons for the good of the people and Bougainville as a whole.

The Mekamui group, has also supported the removal of weapons, he added, and the targeted date for Mekamui zones to be declared weapons free, was 31st December 2018. The Mekamui had chosen the target date, he said.

Mr Kuiai said that a symbolic weapons disposal exercise, had taken place at Torokina (south) and Siwai (south) and the people are preparing for the next phase to declare a weapons free area. In the North region, there is a preparation for every constituency to unite and dispose weapons to declare the region weapons free. It will take place on December 12th.

Meanwhile, Mr Kuiai also confirmed the date of the Joint Supervisory Body (JSB) to be held on Thursday 11th October. It will take place in Port Moresby.

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