News and Public Notices

The latest from across Bougainville

Positive COVID-19 cases have increased

There were a total of 284 confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported as of Sunday according to the Regional Pandemic Controller Mr Clement Totavun.


Mr Totavun said that from the reported confirmed cases, a total of 254 cases have recovered.

“Locally, we did the testing in Buka, we tested about 134 positive cases and the samples were sent to Port Moresby and then sent overseas where the testing was done in Brisbane or Singapore of which 109 of the samples returned positive.”

“We have also started using the Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) kits in the region so far and received tests which resulted in 21 positive results,” he said.

Mr Totavun said that from the RDG tests, we confirmed that there were 16 people who  have been admitted at the Buka Hospital and have been attended to very closely. They have now been discharged.

Contact tracing and quarantine of the patients was an important task which the medical team carried out, he said.

"The medical team in Bougainville is attending to the patients who are COVID-19 confirmed cases and have managed to care for the patients diligently till they become fully recovered."

The patients have worked very closely with us and have followed the measures and have recovered, he said.

Mr Totavun said that there are many positive cases but because of quick response from the medical team, the paitents recovered and warned that the cases are increasing.

We are appealing to the people to hear the instructions given by the medical team and the orders set in the Nuipela Pasin and if you are required to be isolated and quarantined, please follow the instructions. This is how we control the spread of the infection.

Mr Totavun also said that, the fist COVID-19 death case was reported yesterday and he passed his condolence to the families and relatives of the diceased.

Information of the diceased was disclosed at the media conference that was held this morning.


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